Wednesday, April 11, 2012

OAM-OIM integration : Executing –configOAM returns java.lang.NullPointerException

When integrating OAM-OIM during the integration as part of the step 
idmConfigTool –configOAM input_file=config_oam.props tool reports the following error 
 at oracle.idm.automation.impl.oam.handlers.OAM11gIntegrationHandler.configOAM11gIdStore
 at oracle.idm.automation.impl.oam.handlers.OAM11gIntegrationHandler.execute
 at oracle.idm.automation.AutomationTool.configOAM(
 at oracle.idm.automation.AutomationTool.parseCmdLine(
 at oracle.idm.automation.AutomationTool.main(
Apr 11, 2012 12:34:31 PM oracle.idm.automation.util.Util setLogger 

Here is how to solve this.

Take a look at the Admin Server output (AdminServer.out). you would see the below line
Error validating Group Search Base :
n.identity.provider.exceptions.TestConnectionException: OAMSSA-20046: Group Sear
ch Base not found or has 0 elements or Role Security Admin is invalid..
WARNING: Role Security Admin (string value) has been deprecated.
You have created the config_oam.props following the sample in the documentation.
Sample shows OAMAdministrators as the group for the role security admin. But OID will not have this group . 
Instead running the IDMConfigTool in previous steps would have created the group OAMAdmins in OID
Change the above line to 
Re Run the IDM Config tool.  You should be able to complete this step successfully. 

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