Thursday, January 13, 2011

OAAM11g - Accessing the oaam_admin application after the install throws page not found error

You have installed the OAAM11g and trying to access the admin application (oaam_admin). But you are getting page not found error. Checking the logs show the error

[app:oaam_admin module:oaam_admin path:/oaam_admin spec-version:2.5 version:]] error-page location: "/error401.html" for the error-code: "401" does not exist. Serving the default error page.>

This is because you have not completed the post installation configuration for OAAM. The user you are trying to use to login ( default user weblogic) doesn't have proper permission for OAAM admin application.

You would have to either create a new user or grant Groups to existing user. If this is an Admin user for OAAM , Grant all the groups that has prefix 'OAAM'. This is done through the weblogic console

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